Thank you to everyone that bought and sold tickets for the Catholic United Financial Raffle. We were blessed to have so many families selling tickets and working hard for our school. Our grand total was $10,505.00!! Our top selling family is the Zac & Laci McCann family. They received a $100 Amazon gift card. CONGRATULATIONS!
During March, we are collecting change for the food shelf. Every dollar raised will be matched so that our collection really will make a difference. We have a jar in the assembly room where students can drop in change as they come into school. Each of the churches will have a jar as well. We are hoping to completely fill the jar before spring break, when it will be counted and presented to the Meeker Area Food Shelf.
Tomorrow (Friday) we will hold our annual Lenten Retreat. We will have Mass. After Mass we will be have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation. We have a Fill the Cross activity where we will share our own Lenten practices. In the afternoon we create and Easter wreath. At the end of the day the fifth graders will lead us in the Stations of the Cross. Remember pick-up is at the church at 2:40 p.m.
We were blessed with another donation from a local family. Schiefelbein Feeders sent us a check for $2500.00. I spoke with Frank Jr. to express my thanks and he truly believes that a Catholic education is building a better future for the world. We believe that too.
We have removed all the hearts with our favorite books from our big tree in the hall. We now are going to have all the students and staff write poems for our Poet Tree! They can compose their own poem or copy one of their favorites.
Our Knights of Columbus Fish Fry is coming up on Friday, March 19th. They will be serving drive thru style at the Church of St. Philip from 11:00 am to 7:00 (or until the fish runs out). Cost is $10 per meal. This group is a huge supporter of our school and we encourage you to support them as well.