Accreditation Site Visit
Our site visit is coming up next Thursday and Friday, so I wanted you to have a heads-up that you may receive a phone call from one of the team members. Part of the team’s job when they visit is to connect with parents and gather their feedback. They often use their cell phones, so if you don’t recognize the number, don’t be alarmed -- please take the call. We know that our school families have much to share, so I hope you take this opportunity.

Report Cards
Last Friday 11/1 marked the end of the first quarter, so report cards will come out next week. Please be sure to sign the enclosed card and return it. You may keep the report card itself at home.
We are looking forward to conferences which are scheduled for 11/19 and 11/21. If you have not yet signed up, please call the office to do so.
Rite of Welcome – Second Graders
This Sunday our second grade students who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist will be formally welcomed during the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses at St. Philip Church. Then next Thursday after school they will take part in their Reconciliation Retreat and receive the sacrament for the first time. Please keep these students and their families in your prayers during this special week!

Winter Weather
Just a reminder that all students should come prepared each day with proper winter wear – hats, mittens/gloves, and warm coats. In time we’ll be needing boots and snow pants as well, but for now, please be sure your child comes with the essentials.

Food Shelf
We will continue collecting food items for the food shelf for the next couple of weeks. We are asking that you please check expiration dates before donating foods to be sure all items are within the recommended limits.

Picture Retakes
School pictures were sent home earlier this week. If you are dissatisfied with the photos for any reason, please return them to the school ASAP and we will plan for your child to have the pictures retaken on Retake Day – November 26.

Veterans Day
Next Monday we celebrate Veterans Day both nationally and at the School of St. Philip. We have a special program planned at 11:00 on Monday where the Veteran visitors share a little of themselves and answer any questions we have. Additionally they will talk about proper care for the flag during their visit. This is an important day to honor those who have sacrificed much on our behalf.
