A Message of Thanksgiving
In these last weeks of craziness I was again reminded of the great blessing it is to be a part of the wonderful community that is the School of St. Philip. The accreditation team who visited last week noticed it, experienced it, and reported it – we have a tremendous feeling of family and community here. I feel fortunate that we have staff who go above and beyond and put mission before money. We have parents who care about their kids and partner with us to give their children the very best educational experience. We have a parish community who supports us financially and otherwise. God’s blessings are abundant here and His great love is evident. Thank you for the gift you are to this SoSP community.
Thanksgiving Break
Just a reminder that we will only have school Monday and Tuesday next week. Enjoy the extra time with your children!

Tonight is our last scheduled conference night for this fall. We look forward to visiting with you and sharing your children’s progress.
Food Shelf
Tomorrow we will be delivering our food shelf donations. If you haven’t gotten a chance to contribute, please send something first thing tomorrow. Many thanks to all who shared generously in this cause.

Advent Preparations
When we return to school following the Thanksgiving holiday, Advent will already be underway. During these weeks of preparation for Christmas, we at the SoSP try hard to help our students focused on the real meaning of the season. We will gather for Jesse Tree prayers each morning throughout the Advent season. The Jesse Tree takes us on a symbolic walk through Jesus’ family tree. Each day we read a Scripture story and add the special symbol to our tree. Be sure to ask your children about it!
Our Advent Retreat is scheduled for 12/13. We will spend the entire day at the church, celebrate Mass and Reconciliation, and enjoy center activities. We are looking for some helpers for the center activities that day beginning at 12:30. If you are able to join us, please let the office know.
Our Advent service project will be the Birthday Bag project for the food shelf. More details will be forthcoming regarding this special project.

Scrip Sales
I am still in desperate need of a few families who would be willing to sell Scrip certificates after Mass these next few weeks. This is an easy fundraiser, and Mrs. Roers or I can help get you trained. I’ll be available at conferences tonight or Mrs. Roers can teach you at school sometime.
Anointing Mass – Tomorrow 11/22
Tomorrow’s Mass will be at 9:00 instead of 8:30 because many aging parishioners come for the Anointing of the Sick. This is an opportunity for our students to also bless members of our community. Families are always encouraged to join us for Friday Mass.

Christmas Concert Preparations
Mrs. McCarney and the classroom teachers have already begun preparing for the annual Christmas concert scheduled for 12/12 at Ecumen Senior Housing and 12/19 at the Church of St. Philip. It is important that children be in attendance for all performances (12/12 at 6:30, 12/19 at 1:30 and 6:30). Students are asked to dress up.
As you begin holiday baking, we ask that you reserve a couple dozen cookies to use for the receptions on 12/19. The variety of treats always makes for a special celebration. Given the special circumstances, we do not require peanut-free treats.
Celebrating St. Nick
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Friday, 12/6 as we honor St. Nick with a special party at the SoSP! Bring friends and family for pictures with St. Nick, crafts, stories, and milk and cookies.

Planning for Next Year
Earlier this week I sent out a couple of different surveys to help guide our planning for next year. Grades 2-5 received a notice about the question of bringing 6th grade back to the SoSP. At this point we are prayerfully discerning what the needs and desires are of our community. Many questions remain, but now is the time to really explore the option. Please share any thoughts via email, on the survey, or at conferences.
We also sent a survey to families who have preschool children at home to ascertain the need for preschool. We have been in a 3-year trial period with this program and we need to determine where to go in the future. Again, I welcome your input.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the
School of St. Philip!
