50th Day of School Celebration
Our kindergarten students are celebrating the 50th day of school today with a special dance party and activities.
Food Shelf Collection
We have one more week for collecting donations for the food shelf. Please do your best to share something in the next week.

We look forward to the opportunity to visit with our families next Tuesday and Thursday during our annual fall conferences. We appreciate you taking the time to support what we do and continue to foster the parent-teacher partnership. Students are an important part of the conference, so please bring them with you!

MNSAA Team Visit
We are in the midst of our re-accreditation team visit. I hope you’ll be willing to visit during pick-up/drop-off and when called. Your feedback is valuable!

Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving break is just around the corner, so be reminded that this runs from Wednesday, 11/27 – Sunday, 12/1.
Celebrating St. Nick
Please mark your calendar and plan to join us! This is a great opportunity to bring friends and family that may consider sending their children to our school. Feel free to share this invitation with others!

Veterans Day
We were fortunate to welcome 8 veterans in our building on Monday. They shared about their experiences of service and answered lots of our questions! We always look forward to this day and the opportunity to offer our thanks to those who have sacrificed so much on our behalf.

Hiking Club
Many thanks to Nick Olson and Jared Culbertson for their leadership in planning, organizing, and guiding our first after-school club –hiking club! We appreciate your service and know the kids had a wonderful time learning and getting out in the community. Thank you also to Tim Cook, Steph Rech, and Melissa Thompson for serving as chaperones.
