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Family Newsletter ~ May 14, 2020

Writer's picture: Principal's DeskPrincipal's Desk

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Thank You

Many thanks to all the families for your generosity toward our school staff last week during our drop-off day. Thank you for your extra efforts to make our teachers and staff feel appreciated!


Last Day of School: Next Friday, May 22

This year we want you to spend your last day of school in a totally new way! Spend your morning doing field day events, enjoy a picnic lunch outside with your family, and then join us (with your children) at the school at 2:30 for a final pick-up/drop-off and send-off.

Pick-up/Drop-off: Please stay in your cars and make rows in the school parking lot facing the school. The staff will deliver and receive your things. Then we will close our academic year as we always do with a special prayer, blessing, and closing song. I hope many of you will be able to join us! If not, please make arrangements for another pick-up time next Friday with Mrs. Kramer.

Though we are ending the year in a non-traditional way, we can still praise God for the blessings we have received. We hope you and your family enjoy this special day of celebration!


Graduation 2020

After much discussion and discernment, we feel that the best course of action is to plan for an outdoor graduation celebration on Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 PM. We will gather in the parking lot at the Church of St. Philip. In an effort to keep this event small and safe for everyone, we will ask for the attendance of just the graduates and their families. Per state and diocesan recommendations, students and families will be asked to remain in their vehicles, but students will come out to share their speeches and receive their diplomas. We plan to stream the event on Facebook for our entire school community.

What a fitting LIGHTHOUSE theme we embraced this year! I am reminded daily that while we are still amidst the raging storm, we have a Lighthouse who serves as a light and guide. We WILL get through this and be better for it!


Pietra Fitness

During these times when mental health needs have increased, Pietra fitness classes are continuing under the direction of Marsha Goraczkowski. If you’d like to connect with her and be added to her mailing list for scheduling, please contact her at



Many thanks to Tammy Joyer, Melissa Thompson, and Brenda Grates for their help painting during these weeks of distance learning. So far they have worked on Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Lenz’s rooms and the hallway. It will look fresh and clean for the fall!


Tuition Contracts and Materials Fee

Be sure to hand in your tuition contracts and pay the materials fee now to get the big discount! You may pay the fee by visiting our website or passing it along during drop-off.


Drop-off/Pick-up Tomorrow

Please watch the communication from the teachers regarding the materials that can be returned this week. We’d like to collect as much as we can and make the pick-up experience lighter for next week. Please do what you can to round up library books, reading books, and any textbooks or supplies that the teachers recommend you return this week.

The teachers and I talked again this week about how impressed we have been with the students' strong commitment to school during these challenging weeks. They have not only shown up to meetings, they have stepped up to the challenge of screens, separation, and little socialization. This worked --and worked remarkably well, I think -- because you as parents stepped up. You carried heavy burdens in terms of your regular workload in addition to monitoring your child's learning. We have a truly remarkable community here, and we should all be very proud to be a part of it. Thank you isn't enough, but it's what I've got. Thank you.



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