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Family Newsletter ~ March 12, 2020

Writer's picture: Principal's DeskPrincipal's Desk

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

STEM Programming

I had the opportunity to visit a couple of different STEM classes this week, and I was so impressed by what the students (and teachers) could do! In Ms. Zuehl’s class, the first grade students were doing an experiment and working through the scientific process with an activity with rainbows.

Ms. Torborg and the kindergarten class worked with their Blue Bots. They have learned to code and program these little robots to move from one space to another. Ms. Torborg created the mats to help students work on both these STEM skills as well as practice with content-area material (i.e. rhyming words).


Raise Your Glass

You have one more day to buy the early bird tickets for the Raise Your Glass scholarship fundraiser. Please plan to join us this Saturday night for a fun night with a great cause!


Open House

Today we will have the first of our two open house events for the year. If you know someone looking for an excellent education, lots of one-on-one, and a faith-filled atmosphere, send them to us!


Lenten Service Project

I hope all families are starting to put together a special bag for our Hospice Care Package Project. We will collect these from now until Holy Week. This would be a great project for families to do during spring break.


Coronavirus Information

The SoSP has been closely monitoring the worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments. The health and well-being of our students, families, and staff are of vital importance. We are in communication with a number of entities and agencies, including the Litchfield School District, and are monitoring information from the Minnesota Department of Health and from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) regarding recommendations for schools. As information on COVID-19 is continuously evolving, we will continue to monitor the situation closely and will communicate any plans that would involve changes to the school schedules as available. As all health officials advise, we are reminding students to wash their hands often and well. We pray that normal life will resume soon for all those affected.


Scrip Sales

We are looking for a couple of families who would be willing to sell Scrip gift cards after the weekend Masses on March 21 & 22. If you are willing, please let me know ASAP. If you come to sell, please check in with the priest prior to Mass so that he can announce it and provide you with the supplies.


Spring Break

Just a reminder that our Spring Break will run from March 23-27. Enjoy these days with your children!

Reading Counts

We will celebrate those who made their Reading Counts goal on Monday, March 30.

Wellness Team’s Healthy Snack Taste Test

The SoSP Wellness Team has designed a healthy snack taste test and we are looking for volunteers to help challenge our taste buds! If you are interested in bringing in samples and take part in this fun event, please sign up before spring break. Keep in mind that all foods must be nut free.


Lost & Found

If any of these items belong to your family, please contact Mrs. Roers. They will be redistributed if not claimed by spring break.


KC Fish Fry

Please plan to join us for the KC Fish Fry a week from tomorrow. Our 4th grade students will do their annual service project at this event--helping to bus tables. The KCs are tremendous supporters of the SoSP, and this is a great way to show our appreciation.



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