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Family Newsletter ~ February 27, 2020

Writer's picture: Principal's DeskPrincipal's Desk

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Lent 2020

You should have received communication on Tuesday regarding our Lenten projects. We sent home a daily family prayer activity calendar and some details regarding our Hospice care package service project. We also sent a Rice Bowl if your family is interested in collecting for Catholic Relief Services. The varied projects allow us to support both local and international service organizations.

We have our annual Lenten retreat scheduled for Friday, April 3. That day will include Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (grades 2-5), and shadow Stations of the Cross. Families are encouraged to join us at 2:00 for Stations.


Library Books

Just a reminder that Fridays are library days and we encourage the students to return books and take home new ones! Please keep in mind that even though students have a targeted reading level, they are not restricted to only reading those books. We have a wonderful variety of materials in the library and encourage students to read beyond their Reading Counts targets.



Thanks to all our school families who took part in conferences on Tuesday and those who will join us this evening. We appreciate your commitment to your children’s success and value your input during these meetings.


Catholic United Financial Schools Raffle

We have just a few more days before our raffle sale is complete! Ticket sales must end on Sunday, March 1 and all tickets (both sold and unsold) returned to the school Monday morning. Please help make this a smooth process by returning your tickets promptly. We need to prep everything on Monday to be sent to St. Paul for the drawing on March 12.

If anyone is interested in selling after one of the Masses this weekend, please let me know and then check in with the priest before Mass so he can make an announcement after Communion.


Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars and Plan to Join the Fun!

3/14 Raise Your Glass Scholarship Fundraiser. Tickets are on sale now in the school office for this exciting event. They are $20 pre-sale or $25 at the door. The event runs from 6-8 PM at the Litchfield Eagles Club and will include wine and beer sampling, appetizers, and a silent auction. We encourage you to bring friends and join us!

4/17 St. Philip Church Gala will be hosting Black and Whyte Dueling Pianos this year. Whether you’ve seen dueling pianos before or not, you’re in for a treat! Tickets are $40 (early bird, $50 later) each for dinner and the show. Consider bringing friends or family and reserving a table. Contact Brenda or Brent to purchase tickets at 693-3313.


Open Houses

We have scheduled 2 Open Houses for this spring – March 12 and May 7. Both will run from 1 – 6 PM and allow families to see our school “in action” if desired. We appreciate you helping us spread the word to friends and family. We know that YOU, parents, are our best marketers.


Pietra Fitness: A Message from Marsha

Enjoy March classes at no cost in thanksgiving of my one year Pietra anniversary! All at 5:15 p.m. at the social hall/narthex at The Church of St. Philip, except March 19th, which will be held at the School of St. Philip due to set up for the Fish Fry at the church.

Chair: Thursdays: March 5, 12, **19 (the 19th only will be At the School of St. Philip- not the church/social hall)

Gentle/1: Monday: March 9, 16, 30

Spring session: 7 classes for $20. $5 drop in.

Mondays: Gentle-Level 1 beginning April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18.

Thursdays: Chair: April 16, 23, 30. May 7, 14, 21, 28 In Fitness for Christ's Glory, Marsha Goraczkowski, Certified Pietra Instructor 320-221-1698



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