Window Posters
Our Marketing Team has put together special window posters for all the students. We hope you will have your child color these and hang them in your windows for all to see. Downloads will be made available on our school website so other friends and family can also make a poster if they wish. Let’s sprinkle St. Philip’s love throughout Litchfield and beyond!
Retreat Day
Today we are honoring our annual Lenten Retreat Day. Last week we sent out activities during Pick—up/Drop-off day. During these days when we can’t even attend Mass, I hope you can use these activities (or others of your own hunting) to help you enter into these most sacred days of the year. Know that you and your children remain in my daily prayers. May this be a special time of reflection.
Distance Learning Frequently Asked Questions
I’m sending out a special list of Q & A that have come up during these first two weeks of Distance Learning. I will also post it on the website for your ongoing reference.
Raise Your Glass
Many thanks to all who helped with our Raise Your Glass Scholarship Fundraiser, especially Melissa Thompson and Mallie Dowdell. Raising about $5000, this was a very successful event – especially considering the timing! We appreciate all who made donations, served on the committee, attended the event, or helped in any way.
We are still looking for volunteers who would have time to clean a portion of the road ditches for our spring Adopt-a-Highway project. This seems like an event we can continue to do safely if we have families take a ½ mile stretch. Please let me know if you are willing to help and we’ll get you the supplies. It might be nice to coordinate a day/time that works for several families.
Library Books
Please finish up with your SoSP library books and drop them off next Friday. We’re hoping to keep books from getting lost during these months apart.
Scrip Program
The Scrip program is an easy fundraiser for us that permits a cash-back type of program for the school with no extra expense on your part. It just takes a little extra time to set it up. Here are a couple of video tutorials to help you get familiar with the program and use with the online program. You will find a link on our school website as well.
To use the Scrip program, we have a couple of options.
1. Buy the actual cards during Pick-up/Drop-off day from the school office. If you call ahead, they can be ready when you arrive.
2. Order Scrip E-Cards online with ScripNow: Perfect for yourself or to send as a gift to someone else. Enter LA99EF8L5526 to register as part of our program then shop for your favorite card.
Marathon Planning
Though it seems early, we are already beginning to plan for next year’s school marathon. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in shadowing a committee member this next year and then taking over the role the following year. If this is something you would be willing to do, please let me know. We are looking for volunteers to help with business packets and Friday rallies.
Healthy Snack Taste Test
I hope you are trying out some healthy snacks! I would like to add your recipes to our blog so that others may try them too. If you are able, please send me a picture and the recipe from your snack. Then use this link to try out others’ snacks! The blog allows us to comment on recipes we have tried and keeps us in touch with each other--so important!
From Mrs. Kramer....
I hope all are staying healthy and happy amid the craziness these days. One of the keys of our faith is something called THE PASCHAL MYSTERY. This is the recollection of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. Each year, particularly during Holy Week we honor this mystery. There is some peace in understanding the Paschal Mystery. We see that Jesus too suffered and was able to overcome even death. With this knowledge comes hope for us. We can unite our sufferings with Christ's and someday see a type of resurrection. This is the rainbow after the storm, the dawn after the night, the Easter after the Good Friday. May you remain hopeful amidst these trying times, always mindful that on Sunday the tomb will be empty!