Wellness Team
Our school wellness team met last week and once again put forth some good ideas for this spring and summer.
Please continue addition to our HEALTHY SNACK TASTE TEST collection. Create your healthy snack, and then send me a picture and the recipe. I’ll add it to the blog on our website. My hope was that people would try the snacks and then comment on the blog to keep the conversation going.
· We discussed our concern over CHILDREN’S SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH during these challenging times. Toward that end, I sent a video reminder of the Zones
of Regulation training from this winter. I encourage you to a) check in with your kids frequently about how they’re feeling, b) model how to talk about feelings, and c) use the tools included in the video and the hand-outs (coming to you tomorrow at pick-up) to help your children cope.
· This summer, we will be sending out an ACTIVITY GUIDE for keeping kids active. More info will be sent out closer to the end of the school year.
Virtual Open House: Thursday, May 7, 2020
Please help us spread the word that next Thursday our Open House will be held virtually. Families who want to join us should contact me for a link. We will use our video tour (now available on the school website) and have time for Q & A.
May 1 and May 4
Last week Governor Walz directed MN public schools to use Friday 5/1 and Monday 5/4 as planning days for teachers. As a private school, we have the flexibility to remain in session rather than follow Governor Walz’s directive. We decided to continue the learning tomorrow and next Monday. Teachers had already created and scheduled learning plans for those days, and we all know that sticking to routine is important. We have already cut the last two days of school so we can end on 5/22, prior to Memorial Day, and we will make the very last week of school a lighter workload so that teachers have time to develop report cards. This plan allows for consistency for students and families and helps us on our quest to meet all the standards set before us.
Friday Pick-up/Drop-off
I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow for our pick-up and drop-off day! If, for any reason, you cannot be there, please let us know and make other arrangements for attaining your child's supplies and submitting work.
First Holy Communion
This Sunday would have been First Communion Sunday for our 2nd grade students, but obviously this has been postponed. Please continue to support our students in prayer as they continue their preparations. We anticipate First Communion being moved to September, but, as in all things, we will have to wait and see.
Distance Learning
We encourage you to continue to update us on how distance learning is going. It’s good for us to know if the workload is too much, too little, or manageable. We expect students to complete the work –especially in the core areas – for grading purposes. If there is a reason you’re not able to do so, please talk to your child’s teacher. Modifications can be made if needed. Also keep in mind that if you need supplies, we can send things home on Fridays.
I continue to add supplemental learning opportunities to our website. Wolf Ridge sends weekly outdoor learning lessons that you may want to check out. My kids also tried out a Mother's Day card art lesson that they found to be pretty fun. Use the Distance Learning icon here to take you to these resources.
Library Books
We are still attempting to collect all library books. Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Roers sent reminders out last week for those who still have library materials at home. Please return them ASAP with your Friday drop-off.
I continue to lift you and your families up in prayer. May you find joy and peace in these days that are often chaotic. I believe firmly that whether your days are crazy or calm, God is there.
In Him--
Dr. Kramer