Our third and final round of NWEA testing begins next week and continues through May 14th. You can do a lot to help your child perform well.
Make sure they are well rested.
Eating a healthy breakfast really does help them focus.
Encourage them to do their best.
Ask about their testing sessions. Showing interest is a great motivator.
Scholarship applications are due May 14th. If you are interested in applying, please turn the form into the office right away. We are not able to accept late applications. Scholarships will be awarded the end of May.
Plans continue to be worked on to make this day special for our students. It will be on Tuesday, May 25th from 11:30 to 2:00. Thank you to First District for donating the milk for lunch and Kristen Elton for facilitating this. Donations have started coming in. A few items have been added to the list. They were in last week's bulletin but I want you be aware of them as well. We are also requesting sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, frisbees, packs of gum, activity books, fun pens or pencils, sunglasses, stickers.
Xyla Jacquith (5-1) and Corbin Olson (5-2) are celebrating birthdays this week. God Bless them both.
We will crown Mary before Mass next Friday, May 7th. The fifth graders will lead us with Mary's story and crown Mary. All of the children will present her with a flower. After this same mass the 5th graders will celebrate their DARE graduation at church. Officer Aaron Nelson has done a wonderful job presenting the DARE program.